Simple Chocolate Cake (the Viral Kek Milo)

Yayy!! I finally managed to try out the famous "kek milo" (chocolate cake) that everyone has been talking about. Yes, the cake was so simple, took me less than 15 minutes to prepare it. No flour needed and you can just use the ingredients that are already available in the kitchen.I love preparing something simple like this for the kids because my boys are fussy eaters and they love to try out anything chocolatey. This is also so practical if they want to bring something different to school.

Here, take a look at pics below. Not bad, huh for a starter?  *wink2*

I got the recipe from Facebook (PenMerah [dot]com). The original recipe uses 3-in-1 milo packets and eggs only, but I didn't have it.  So, I made some changes here and there. Sharing this with you, guys:

Milo (chocolate) powder : 25 milkspoons
Milk powder: 20 milkspoons
Icing sugar: 15 milkspoons
Eggs: 6 

Stir them all and bake the mixture in the oven (150°C,  15-20 minutes,  depends on your oven condition). Decorate the cake with toppings as you prefer. 

That's it. :)


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