The 10 Alien Sides of Me

From the Virgo characteristics and profile analysis, it says that the Virgo's strength is the ability to focus his/her attention, whilst the potential weakness is need for perfection gets in the way of enjoyment. I laughed as soon as I read it as it really hits me right in the face! hahaha.... just for fun, though. ;)
Want to know some other sides of me? Check this out:

1) I can't even read an sms, let alone watching tv, in a moving car. Surely will throw up a minute later.

2) I always read magazines from the last page to the beginning.

3) Regarding point#2, it doesn't apply to novels or storybooks. Really HATE it if people bleak the ending while I'm half way through the story. It applies to movies too. (Don't ever tell me who's the real killer when the movie barely gets started)

4) I can never say no to the three C's: Chocolate, Coke, and Cheesecake.

5) Bathing is my most precious myself-time. Even if I'm in the bathroom for 30 minutes, don't ever go knocking on the door. You are 'knocking' on a hornet's nest.

6) One of my stress management is making myself busy with chores. I even do a perfect housekeeping job when I am in stress.

7) I always have problems to enter any premise with a Pull-Push entrance. I keep confusing myself, which one moving towards me, which one moving away from me.. such a foolish!

8) I hate sports. Enough said.

9) I'm a scopophobia, achluophobia, agyrophobia, and amaxophobia ... you can google that.

10) sunlight annoys me, sometimes to the ultimate edge. but, don't worry. I'm not a vampire.

More? I guess that's it. I can be secretive too sometimes <--and this is normal to anybody :)


  1. the first blog saying something sooo true.. importance of 'me time'... now i know whats actually i've been thinking all these while huhu why i need this & that, also y i need/want to do these & that... go go baya, do more motivational entries hehehe not to miss 'me time' while being the best mom/wife, its hard really but insyaAllah as long there's a will theres a way/energy hehe

    luv & kisses,
    ur BFF

  2. hi yana,
    thanx a lot for commenting. sori, baru notice. semenjak bz, lama xbukak blog. idea pun tgh kering ni. huhuuh.. anyway, being a mom makes us woman very inspirational, right? :)

  3. I LOLed at point #2.. I sometime did that when reading newspaper.. reading from the back-end to the front.. LMAO

  4. Deep down in my heart, I always know that u idolize me all this while :P


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